03/08/2002 Origins of Edward! [11:25] I FIND THE DEFENDANT... BULLET-RIDDLED [11:25] You mean 14-year-old kids CAN'T run with a 20-pound AWP in their arms? [11:26] sure they can. [11:26] Yeah they can [11:26] Which ones? Atlas's sons? [11:26] they'll run when they've got texas justice bearing down on them with two shotguns [11:26] and walker too [11:26] In each hand! Two shotguns in each hand! [11:26] one shotgun for each finger! [11:26] HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME [11:26] Yeah [11:27] Edward Shotgunhands! [11:27] And be like that guy on He-Man, the ones with the guns in his CHEST [11:27] dr. turretbody? [11:27] Where a young man with shotguns for hands learns to become part of society by cutting people's hair with his hands 04/10/2002 The strip! [12:28] Edward Shotgun hands [12:28] the touching story of a boy with shotguns for hands [12:28] and how he learns to love [12:28] whooo [12:28] WITH SHOTGUNS [12:28] BLIGGETY BLAM [12:28] I- *BLAM* [12:28] lmao [12:29] feel like we've grown close in the last few- *BLAM* MY FAAAACE! [12:29] Oh edward, you're so quiet and sexy and KABLAM [12:29] Hold me, edward! "...do I have to?" [12:29] Yes! Take me! *BLAM* [12:29] Pass the beef edwar [12:29] awww, I'm gonna be a virgin forever. [12:29] BLAM [12:29] ...or AM I?! [12:29] yes [12:30] Hey, Ed... think you could trim these he *BLIZAM BLAMITTY BLAM BLAM* OOHHHH MY GOOOOOOOOOOD!!! [12:30] ever since that nfortunate urination/shotgun blas situation [12:30] blizam lol [12:30] *** MaxMango Quit (Quit: °ShowDowN v12 PrO° since 1996: http://www.sci.fi/~showdown/) [12:30] Edward, cut my haBLIGGETY BLAM [12:31] ever since that day, every christmas its snowed. [12:31] ..gunpowder [12:31] *edward pumping round after round into a giant block of ice*