Bigger Than Cheeses
Comic! Extras! Community! Contact.html Store! Links!

Well, here's a list of all the extra pages I've linked in newsposts and such, that may have previously slipped your attention. The old downloads page has also been merged here, and I've included some miscellanous images from the newsposts. Warning, could be a long load for dialupers, all links open in a new window. ENJOY!

Various pages that you may or may not know existed

  • Ask the Castk Archives
    Pretty self explanatory
  • Comixpedia Blind Date event 2004
    Me and Psychomutt's entry into the 2004 Comixpedia Blind Date event
  • Art
    Random art, miscellaneous pieces. Whatever doesn't make it to the comic usually goes here
  • FAQ
    Frequently asked questions. Not updated regularly
  • Featured comics
    Archived featured comics from the front page. Think of this as a links page, but with less suck.
  • Guest Strips
    A collection of all the guest strips I've made
  • Cast
    Meet the cast, and find out interesting yet completely useless things
  • Storyline
    A breakdown of the raelian storyline
  • Reader Input
    Fan art, reader reviews. Comic related stuff you send (or say) to me ends up here.
  • Btc mad libs
    A subsection of reader input, I think.
  • Btc sightings
    Another kinda subsection of reader input
  • The origins of Bigger Than Cheeses
    A trip down memory lane! Wheeee!
  • Bigger Than Cheeses: Better Than C+A+D
    A little page I slapped up in about 45 seconds
    It's like we're on drugs, but we really aren't
  • Links
    Links to other comics. Rotting in spectacular neglect. Read the newspost for any comic links
  • Btc cams page
    Meet some of the people who hang around the (now defunct) forums and irc channel. Now with even more broken links!
  • Notebook outtakes
    Take a peek into my notebook
  • Strip extras
    See half completed or alternate versions of strips
  • Past vote incentives
    See vote incentives from days long past
  • Stuff
    What doesn't fit into the other pages
  • Linking Images
    If you want to link to this page, copy/paste the below HTML in, replacing the appropriate section with the filename.

    <a href="" target="_blank">
    <img src="
    FILENAME" alt="My webcomic will knife fight your webcomic">

    Just right click the appropriate image and save it to your harddisk, then paste the HTML in, replacing the FILENAME with the filename

    Regular Sized (468x60)

    Button Sized


    Year 5. 1024x768

    Year 5. 1280x960

    Boxcar Comics Collective Calendar. 1024x768

    Boxcar Comics Collective Calendar. 1280x1024
    Boxcar Comics Collective Calendar. 1440x900

    That :awesome: bastard. 1024x768

    That :awesome: bastard. 1280x1024

    Comrade Robot. 1024x768

    Comrade Robot. 1280x1024
    Comrade Robot. 1440x900

    Onwards!. 1024x768

    Onwards!. 1280x1024
    Onwards!. 1440x900

    Year 6. 1024x768

    Year 6. 1280x1024
    Year 6. 1440x900

    Hugbot. 1280x1024

    Tore shit up. 1280x1024

    You got Rickyrolled 1280x1024

    The John Woo special. 1280x1024

    Armageddon. 1280x1024

    4 minutes to save the world. 1280x1024

    Big bada boom. 1280x1024

    Formerly on this page
    I realised the extras page was taking way, way too long to load, so now everything has been split up. Here are the pages you'll want:

  • Notebook outtakes
    Take a peek into my notebook
  • Strip extras
    See half completed or alternate versions of strips
  • Past vote incentives
    See vote incentives from days long past
  • Stuff
    What doesn't fit into the other pages
  • Bigger Than Cheeses
    Creative Commons License
    eXTReMe Tracker
    Web Design by Threeboy
    Bigger Than Cheeses Comics � Copyright 2001-2009 by Desmond Seah · Licensed under a Creative Commons License.
    Comic PHP Engine developed by Alex Aberle of Sara and David · Please contact him for this site's technical support.
    Website was designed by Threeboy of TrueNuff.