You're at the beginning of a storyline!
I watch too much Dragonball Z. And spend too much time doing comics. Really, I should be spending more time studying instead of trying to please people (Who don't even leave things in
the all new ad-free Forum). This is a multi-part series thingummy. It's going somewhere, but I just don't know how to wrap it up just yet. Anyway, just sit back and enjoy. Like using cheesy pickup lines? Then you'll love today's bizarre linkage,
Bic's list of Pickup Lines. Okay, so it's not really BIZARRE linkage, but what do you expect? I haven't got any more funny bookmarks. Still, there are some good ones, and the others are just good for a laugh. Why haven't you voted yet at the
Gamer's Choice Top 25 and
Top Web Comics 150? Why do I have to keep reminding you?