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139: He likes 'em big
He likes 'em big

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So long, and thanks for all the fish
Guh. Cheap laughs galore. I'll try and be funnier next time. This comic once more features Oohoo (from the ad-free forum) and was apparently based on a true story. Now I wasn't there at the time, but he was at a "club" *cough*gaybar*cough* when he noticed a "hot chick" dancing. Upon closer inspection, the "hot chick" turned out to be a man. And in any case, I promised Beerman that today's comic would feature a transvestite, and goddamn if I'm not a man of my word. If I say there's gonna be a transvesite, then by god there'll be a freaking transvestite. You'll notice I'm saying transvestite a lot more than is actually transvestite. I mean necesarry. Well, the reason for that is because I've been looking through my counter stats, and I'll be damned, but tentacle hentai is my best search term. So here's to frivolous search transvestite engine baiting! TRANSVESTITE! Woohoo! Giant Ape Juice! Anyhoo, look in the ad-free forum for some special art. Check it out. And you'll notice the ALL NEW LOG HUMOUR BOX down the bottom there. Come on in, on, room #btc and say hello. Just click that link in the box, and it should launch your IRC client automatically (if you've got one installed). I'm there for about 4 hours every day, anyway. Today's bizarre linkage is: the Hello World! page. Yeap. This page-o-wonders contains instructions on how to say "Hello World!" in every single computer language you can think of. It's all there, people! ALL OF THEM! Jesus crossdressing Christ! The sheer NUMBER of things there should just make you give up now and live in a bamboo hut wearing clothes fashioned out of gum and tape. Alright. I'm out again.
Bigger Than Cheeses

IRC log humour at #btc. (For IRC, we recommend mIRC)
[21:36] <Goon|Uni> my drivers side car door no longer opens from the inside
[21:37] <Goon|Uni> I have to wind down the window and open it from the outside. It's quite fun
[21:37] <tate-colorforming> what kind of car?
[21:37] <Goon|Uni> A Nissan Pintara
[21:37] <tate-colorforming> do they sell Opel's in AU?
[21:37] <tate-colorforming> Pintara? I have no idea what the US equivalent is
[21:37] <Goon|Uni> It's grey and has an engine. That's about the extent of my car knowledge
[21:37] <tate-colorforming> Sentra or something?
[21:38] <tate-colorforming> nm
[21:38] <Goon|Uni> Apparently I'm supposed to keep it topped up with petrol
Bigger Than Cheeses
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