If anyone did a history of Bigger Than Cheeses, I think you'd eventually come up with this as the first origins of the strip. Thanatos, Duke, Nat, Wang and Violent Bob came into being a lot later, but Jesusman was the first thing about the comic that I had done up (although I didn't know I'd be using him in a comic until much later). Basically, the whole story stems from me being bored in class, and doodling things to amuse myself. One time I just thought "Hey! Wouldn't it be funny if Jesus wore a Superman suit and beat people up,
shouting religious sounding things?" And quickly doodled a Jesusman "poster". I use quotations around the word 'poster' because it was only an A4 sheet of lined school paper, but it got the joke across quite well. It had a large picture of an angry Jesusman holding a weapon of some sort (I can't remember if it was a sword, or a cruxifix carved into the shape of a dagger), and the tagline "Jesusman: He died for your sins, now it's YOUR turn!". I showed my good friend Luke, and he almost fell off his chair laughing. For the rest of the day, we amused ourselves with possible things that Jesusman would yell. I don't think any of them ever made it into the comic. I can't find the original, and I'm not even sure the story is completely correct, but you can get the gist of the whole series of events, really. I did this comic up from the best recollection I had of what the original "poster" looked like.