[12:45] <Goonigoogoo> you can lead a whore to water but you can't make her drink?
[12:45] <Warskull> that move is like a bag full of whores
[12:45] <Goonigoogoo> you sure let the whore out of the bag
[12:45] <Goonigoogoo> don't cry over spilt whore
[12:45] <skwerrel> dammit...i can't remember any old sayings
[12:45] <Goonigoogoo> you couldn't hit the broad side of a whore
[12:46] <Goonigoogoo> this is like trying to find a whore in a haystack
[12:46] <Warskull> you know what they say, you win some, you whore some
[12:46] <Beerman> A whore a day keeps the... VD clinic... in business...?
[12:46] <Warskull> don't look a gift whore in the mouth
[12:47] <Goonigoogoo> all work and no whores makes johnny a dull boy
[12:47] <Beerman> haha
[12:47] <Beerman> gift whore... in the mouth... ah, make it stop
[12:47] <Goonigoogoo> lol
[12:47] <Goonigoogoo> this is more fun than a ship full of whores
[12:47] <KAboomy> a whore in the hand is worth two in the bush (...?)
[12:48] <Beerman> LOL
[12:48] <skwerrel> Is the whore half empty, or half full?
[12:48] <Goonigoogoo> lol
[12:48] <KAboomy> haha
[12:48] <Goonigoogoo> two in the bush
[12:48] <Beerman> a whore caught by the tail is not yet caught?
[12:48] <Goonigoogoo> you can't teach an old whore new tricks
[12:48] <skwerrel> Fucked 2 whores with one stone!
[12:48] <Beerman> whore tail... woo...
[12:48] <Goonigoogoo> time flies when you're having whores
[12:48] <skwerrel> lol
[12:48] <Beerman> lol
[12:49] <KAboomy> oh man
[12:49] <skwerrel> ah whores...is there anything they CAN'T do?
[12:49] <Beerman> if you rape a whore, is it theft or shoplifting?
[12:49] <Goonigoogoo> I think it's a felony
[12:49] <Beerman> oh.
[12:49] <skwerrel> grand theft?
[12:49] <Beerman> so I should hide the bodies then
[12:49] <skwerrel> probably
[12:49] <Goonigoogoo> probably
[12:50] <Goonigoogoo> jinx!
[12:50] <Goonigoogoo> well that was wholesome
[12:50] <KAboomy> if wishes were whores, then beggers would ride
[12:50] <Beerman> hahahaha
[12:51] <Beerman> and ride well
[12:51] <Goonigoogoo> where's that dead hooker disposal article, now?
[12:52] <Goonigoogoo> yeah you heard me
[12:53] <Goonigoogoo> http://www.penny-arcade.com/lovehate.php3
[12:53] <Warskull> whores are all fun and games until someone catches a STD
[12:53] <Goonigoogoo> don't take candy from whores
[12:53] <KAboomy> or
[12:53] <KAboomy> dont take whores from strangers
[12:54] <Goonigoogoo> oh yeah
[12:54] <Goonigoogoo> that works a lot better
[12:56] <Goonigoogoo> he walks like he's got whores in his britches
[12:56] <Goonigoogoo> he's as happy as a whore with a bone
[12:57] <KAboomy> a chain is no stronger than it's weakest whore
[12:57] <Goonigoogoo> a good whore is hard to find
[12:57] <Goonigoogoo> a little whore told me
[12:58] <Goonigoogoo> a man is known by the whores he keeps
[12:58] <Goonigoogoo> a whore's gotta do what a whore's gotta do
[12:59] <KAboomy> never read a whore by it's whore
[12:59] <KAboomy> err, cover
[12:59] <Goonigoogoo> isn't it 'judge'?
[12:59] <KAboomy> or judeg
[12:59] <KAboomy> dammit
[12:59] <Goonigoogoo> yeah
[12:59] <Goonigoogoo> a whore for your thoughts
[12:59] <KAboomy> lol
[12:59] <KAboomy> you just found a directory somewhere
[13:00] <Goonigoogoo> I suuuure did
[13:00] *** Warskull (
[email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[13:00] <Goonigoogoo> http://newtontxnetwork.com/tour/oldsay/
[13:00] <KAboomy> heh, I did too, mine's not as good though
[13:00] <Goonigoogoo> you work your way up from the bottom
[13:00] <Goonigoogoo> I've got a whore up my sleeve
[13:00] <Goonigoogoo> but watch out for my achillies whore
[13:01] <skwerrel> As happy as a dead whore in the sunshine
[13:01] <KAboomy> Your eyes are bigger than your whore
[13:01] <Goonigoogoo> all's fair in love and whore
[13:01] <Beerman> happy as a whore with a bone hahaha
[13:01] <Goonigoogoo> a whore a day keeps the doctor away
[13:01] <KAboomy> you reap what you whore
[13:02] <skwerrel> whores of a feather flock together
[13:02] <Goonigoogoo> lol
[13:02] <Goonigoogoo> asleep at the whore
[13:02] <skwerrel> born with a silver whore in his mouth
[13:02] <skwerrel> break a whore and you'll have seven years of bad luck
[13:03] <Goonigoogoo> prae will probably vow never to read his logs again when he sees this conversation
[13:03] <skwerrel> lol
[13:03] <Goonigoogoo> barking whores seldom bite
[13:03] <skwerrel> whores should be seen and not heard
[13:03] <Beerman> I'm having a bad whore day
[13:03] <Goonigoogoo> bend like a whore or break like an oak
[13:03] <Goonigoogoo> better whore
[13:03] <skwerrel> talk to the whore!
[13:04] <KAboomy> You can catch more whores with honey than with vinegar
[13:04] <Goonigoogoo> bide your whore
[13:04] <KAboomy> or
[13:04] <KAboomy> You can catch more whores with whore than with whore!
[13:04] <Goonigoogoo> bury the whore
[13:04] <skwerrel> Deader than a whore
[13:04] *** Warskull (
[email protected]) has joined #3fs
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[13:04] <Beerman> Close, but no whore
[13:04] <Goonigoogoo> we're starting to sound like obscene smurfs
[13:04] <skwerrel> lol
[13:04] <Beerman> lol
[13:04] <Beerman> I smurfed her
[13:04] <Goonigoogoo> the reject smurfs who never got to be on the show
[13:05] <Beerman> right there in the smurfing carpark
[13:05] <KAboomy> You are what you whore.
[13:05] <Goonigoogoo> calm before the whore
[13:05] <Beerman> "you're smurfing me!"
[13:05] <Beerman> No smurfin way man
[13:05] <Goonigoogoo> came up smelling like whores
[13:05] <Beerman> then she smurfed my smurf
[13:05] <Beerman> oh man, I smurfed all over the place
[13:05] <skwerrel> Don't criticize a whore till you've walked a mile in her thong
[13:05] <Goonigoogoo> can't see the forest for the whores
[13:05] <Beerman> *clears throat*
[13:05] <Goonigoogoo> lol
[13:05] <Beerman> yeah nayway
[13:05] <Goonigoogoo> thong
[13:05] <Raven> wow
[13:05] <skwerrel> don't open that can of whores
[13:05] <Raven> i come back and the first word i see...
[13:06] <Goonigoogoo> what's the matter? Had the whore got your tongue?
[13:06] <Raven> "Thong"
[13:06] <Raven> amen
[13:06] *** Raven is now known as Raven|sleep
[13:06] <Goonigoogoo> caught between a whore and a hard place
[13:06] <Beerman> Do unto whores as you would have whores do unto you
[13:06] <skwerrel> lol
[13:06] <Goonigoogoo> chip off the old whore
[13:06] <Beerman> Don't criticize a man until you've done a mile in his whore
[13:06] <skwerrel> don't throw the whore out with the whore water
[13:06] <Goonigoogoo> chose the lesser of two whores
[13:07] <Goonigoogoo> whores make the man
[13:07] <Beerman> haha
[13:07] <KAboomy> Whores never quit and quitters never whore
[13:07] <Goonigoogoo> lol
[13:07] <skwerrel> If the whore fits, wear it
[13:07] <Beerman> easier whored than done
[13:07] <Goonigoogoo> to whore a phrase
[13:07] <Beerman> easy as whore
[13:07] <Beerman> every whore has her day
[13:07] <Goonigoogoo> dead as a whore
[13:08] <Goonigoogoo> den of whores
[13:08] <skwerrel> i'm not just blowing whores at you
[13:08] <Beerman> Find a whore, pick it up, and all day you'll have good luck
[13:08] <Goonigoogoo> flogging a dead whore
[13:08] <Goonigoogoo> don't put all your whores in one basket
[13:09] <skwerrel> sharp as a whore
[13:09] <Goonigoogoo> drinks like a whore
[13:09] <Beerman> friends, romans, countrymen, lend me your whores!
[13:09] <Goonigoogoo> easy come easy whore
[13:09] <skwerrel> she was so ugly they had to tie a whore around her neck to get the whore to play with her
[13:09] <Goonigoogoo> eyes like a whore
[13:09] <Beerman> God whores those who whore themselves
[13:09] <Goonigoogoo> fall on your whore
[13:10] <skwerrel> Put that in your pipe and whore it
[13:10] <Goonigoogoo> faster than greased whore
[13:10] <KAboomy> When the whoring gets tough, the tough get whoring.
[13:10] <Goonigoogoo> whores are thicker than water
[13:10] <Beerman> He is as dependable as a fox in a whore house
[13:10] <Goonigoogoo> fools rush in where whores fear to tread
[13:10] <skwerrel> speak of the whore and she will appear
[13:11] <Goonigoogoo> whore me once, shame on you. whore me twice, shame on me
[13:11] <Goonigoogoo> two whores short of a sixpack
[13:11] <Goonigoogoo> what's the matter? do you have a whore in your throat?
[13:11] <skwerrel> you're full of piss and whores
[13:11] <Beerman> Home is where the whore is
[13:11] *** Tenday (
[email protected]) Quit
[13:12] <Goonigoogoo> genius is 1% inspiration and 99% whores
[13:12] <Goonigoogoo> go with the whore
[13:12] <Beerman> I cried because I had no whores until I saw the man who had no feet
[13:12] <Goonigoogoo> goodie two whores
[13:13] <Goonigoogoo> great whores from little acorns grow
[13:13] <Beerman> If a black whore crosses your path you will have bad luck <-- haha thats pretty bayad
[13:13] <skwerrel> not the sharpest whore in the drawer
[13:13] <Goonigoogoo> handy as a whore with no batteries
[13:13] <skwerrel> lol
[13:13] <Goonigoogoo> rofl. Half a whore is better than none
[13:13] <skwerrel> lol
[13:13] <Beerman> If it looks like a whore, walks like a whore, and quacks like a whore, it's a whore
[13:13] <skwerrel> quacks like a whore
[13:13] <Goonigoogoo> has a whore in the closet
[13:14] <skwerrel> no i don't!
[13:14] <Beerman> you should screw your whore on straight
[13:14] <skwerrel> you cant prove shit
[13:14] <Goonigoogoo> He needs a tight whore
[13:14] <Goonigoogoo> lol
[13:14] <Goonigoogoo> oh god that's so bad
[13:14] <Beerman> hahaha
[13:14] <Beerman> If you can't stand the whore, get out of the bedroom :P
[13:14] <Goonigoogoo> has whores in the belfy
[13:15] <Goonigoogoo> healthy as a whore
[13:15] <Beerman> well I'll be a whores uncle!
[13:15] <Goonigoogoo> don't be so whore headed
[13:15] <Goonigoogoo> his stomach shook like a whore
[13:15] <Beerman> Is the pope whoring?
[13:15] <Beerman> or... is the whore catholic
[13:15] <Goonigoogoo> hit by an ugly whore
[13:15] <Beerman> nah. pope whoring sounds better
[13:15] <Goonigoogoo> home is where you hang your whore
[13:16] <Goonigoogoo> or home is where the whore is
[13:16] <Goonigoogoo> whore line and sinker
[13:16] <Beerman> Its not wether you win or lose, its how you play your whore
[13:16] <Goonigoogoo> painting the whore red
[13:16] <Goonigoogoo> I can't make whore or tails of it
[13:16] <Beerman> jack of all whores
[13:17] <praet0rian> is this still going on?!
[13:17] <Beerman> yup
[13:17] <KAboomy> hah
[13:17] <Goonigoogoo> hehe
[13:17] <Goonigoogoo> it suuuuure is
[13:17] <Beerman> Come on in, the whore is fine!
[13:17] <Goonigoogoo> there's always room for one whore
[13:17] <Goonigoogoo> although too many whores spoil the broth
[13:17] <Beerman> lol
[13:17] <Goonigoogoo> which we need like we need a whore in the head
[13:17] <Beerman> land of milk and whoring
[13:17] <praet0rian> a whore in the hand is worth two in the bush
[13:18] <KAboomy> :)
[13:18] <Goonigoogoo> I think boomy already got that one
[13:18] <Beerman> yep
[13:18] <praet0rian> it's a tough job, but some whore's got to do it
[13:18] <Beerman> like a whore to the slaughter
[13:18] <KAboomy> [01:11:02] <KAboomy> a whore in the hand is worth two in the bush (...?)
[13:18] <Beerman> let your whore down
[13:19] <Beerman> let sleeping whores lie
[13:19] <Beerman> liar liar whore on fire :P
[13:19] <Goonigoogoo> if you don't milk every day, the whore will dry up
[13:19] <praet0rian> time makes whores of us all
[13:19] <Beerman> I'm gonna stop now
[13:19] <Beerman> ewww
[13:19] <Goonigoogoo> yeah. That was pretty bad
[13:19] <Goonigoogoo> ill gotten whores
[13:19] <Beerman> lol
[13:20] <Goonigoogoo> it ain't over till the fat whore sings
[13:20] <praet0rian> whore today, gone tomorrow
[13:20] <Goonigoogoo> lol
[13:20] <Goonigoogoo> it goes in one whore and out the other
[13:20] <praet0rian> whore done by
[13:20] <praet0rian> lol
[13:20] <Beerman> oh ye of little whore
[13:20] <KAboomy> see prae? it's addictive :)
[13:20] <praet0rian> i like "pants" too
[13:20] <Beerman> old whores die hard
[13:20] <Goonigoogoo> it's raining whores and dogs
[13:21] <praet0rian> like, replacing key words in movie dialogue with pants
[13:21] <Beerman> Once more unto the whore, dear friends, once more
[13:21] <Goonigoogoo> http://www.shtank-interactive.com/btc/underpants.txt
[13:22] <Goonigoogoo> You are unwise to lower your underpants.
[13:22] <Beerman> lol I was just gonna paste that
[13:22] <Goonigoogoo> I find your lack of underpants disturbing
[13:22] <Beerman> You came in those underpants? You're braver than I thought
[13:22] <Beerman> I cannot teach him. The boy has no underpants
[13:22] <Goonigoogoo> I cannot teach him. The boy has no underpants.
[13:22] <Goonigoogoo> lol. beat me to it
[13:23] <Beerman> Don't worry. Chewie and I have gotten into a lot of underpants more heavily guarded than this
[13:23] <Beerman> Luke*Help me take*these underpants off
[13:24] <Goonigoogoo> Funny....but not quite as funny as whores
[13:24] <Beerman> Great, Chewie, great. Always thinking with your underpants
[13:24] <Beerman> yeah true
[13:24] <Beerman> Put your whore where your mouth is
[13:25] <Goonigoogoo> I still like 'Half a whore is better than none'
[13:25] <Goonigoogoo> it's just so wrong
[13:25] <Beerman> Queer as a three-dollar whore hahaha\
[13:25] <Goonigoogoo> lol
[13:25] <Beerman> Rolled off his tongue and went across whore
[13:25] <Goonigoogoo> like a whore out of hell
[13:26] <skwerrel> back to the whores...
[13:26] <Beerman> yep
[13:26] <Beerman> how can we stay away
[13:26] <skwerrel> thats a good question
[13:26] <Goonigoogoo> lower than a whore's belly
[13:26] <Goonigoogoo> a man of few whores
[13:27] <Beerman> Easier to get blood out of a whore
[13:27] <Goonigoogoo> speak softly, and carry a big whore
[13:27] <Beerman> which is probably related to "Spare the rod, spoil the whore"
[13:27] <Goonigoogoo> man cannot life by whore alone
[13:27] <Beerman> haha
[13:27] <Beerman> big bertha
[13:27] <Goonigoogoo> lol. bertha
[13:27] <Beerman> a spoonful of sugar makes the whore go down
[13:27] <Goonigoogoo> misery loves whores
[13:27] <Beerman> ...on you
[13:27] <Goonigoogoo> lol
[13:27] <Beerman> stiff as a whore
[13:28] <Goonigoogoo> put the whore to the grindstone
[13:28] <Beerman> take the whore by the horn
[13:28] <Goonigoogoo> no need to reinvent the whore
[13:28] <Goonigoogoo> No whore off my nose
[13:28] <Dest> My efforts in cooking sticky rice properly have failed.
[13:28] <Beerman> Par for the whores
[13:28] <Goonigoogoo> what does that have to do with whores?
[13:29] <Goonigoogoo> honestly Dest. Pay whore
[13:29] <Goonigoogoo> I mean pay attention
[13:29] <Goonigoogoo> old whores die hard
[13:29] <Goonigoogoo> on a whore and a prayer
[13:30] <Beerman> thats the best thing since sliced whore
[13:30] <Goonigoogoo> one foot in the whore
[13:30] <Goonigoogoo> six whores under
[13:30] <Beerman> ouch
[13:30] <Beerman> the whore is worse than the disease
[13:30] <Goonigoogoo> practice what you whore
[13:30] <Beerman> must be a pretty damn gross whore to be worse than the disease
[13:31] <Goonigoogoo> I'll say
[13:31] <Goonigoogoo> pride goeth before a whore
[13:31] <Beerman> The difference between whores and boys are the size of their toys
[13:31] <KAboomy> oof.
[13:31] <Goonigoogoo> quicker than a new york whore
[13:31] <Beerman> lol
[13:31] <Beerman> the good whore young
[13:32] <Goonigoogoo> saved by the whore
[13:32] <Goonigoogoo> screaming like a whore
[13:32] <Beerman> the way to a mans whore is through his stomach
[13:32] <Beerman> lol
[13:32] <Goonigoogoo> seize the whore
[13:32] <Beerman> every whore has a silver lining
[13:33] <Beerman> those that whore live a lot longer
[13:33] <Goonigoogoo> slippery as a whore
[13:34] <Beerman> tighter than ol' dicks whore
[13:34] <Goonigoogoo> snug as a whore in a rug
[13:34] <Beerman> time to hit the whore
[13:34] <Goonigoogoo> lol
[13:34] *** afropik (
[email protected]) has joined #3fs
[13:34] <afropik> mmmyes?
[13:34] <Goonigoogoo> hey hey
[13:34] <Goonigoogoo> join in the whorery
[13:34] <Beerman> two whores are better than one
[13:35] <afropik> what about whores?
[13:35] <Goonigoogoo> this is my whore to bear
[13:35] <Beerman> whos company, threes a crowd
[13:35] <Beerman> whores company*
[13:35] <Goonigoogoo> that's a new whore on my old horn
[13:35] <Beerman> vanished into thin whore
[13:35] <afropik> ok
[13:35] <Beerman> haha new whore, old horn
[13:35] <afropik> anyway
[13:35] <Beerman> brilliant
[13:35] *** afropik (
[email protected]) has left #3fs
[13:35] <Goonigoogoo> ah well
[13:36] <skwerrel> OMG and then the tomato comes out of nowhere and they all dance together and they're friends!
[13:36] <skwerrel> its BEAUTIFUL
[13:36] <Goonigoogoo> the whore of the wild
[13:36] <Beerman> wake up and smell the whore
[13:36] <Goonigoogoo> skwerrel, what are you talking about?
[13:36] <Beerman> We are going to have a whore slapping good time
[13:36] <skwerrel> http://etrata.home.attbi.com/flash/pepperbanana.swf
[13:36] <Goonigoogoo> the whore is as bare as mother Hubbard's cupboard
[13:36] <Beerman> Well slap me naked and hide my whores!
[13:36] <Goonigoogoo> yeah I've seen that one
[13:37] <Goonigoogoo> the early whore gets the worm
[13:37] <Beerman> la bamba, innit?
[13:37] <Beerman> when whores fly
[13:37] <Goonigoogoo> the whore the merrier
[13:37] <Goonigoogoo> the pen is mightier than the whore
[13:37] <Goonigoogoo> the whore's the limit
[13:37] <Beerman> When you lie down with whores, you are going to get fleas
[13:38] <Beerman> fleas, STDs, the line is very thin :P
[13:38] <Goonigoogoo> thicker than whores
[13:38] <Beerman> with whores on
[13:38] <Goonigoogoo> time whores all wounds
[13:38] <Goonigoogoo> time to bite the whore
[13:38] <Beerman> whore marks the spot
[13:38] <Goonigoogoo> time to turn over a new whore
[13:39] <Beerman> You are going to have to eat whore
[13:39] <Beerman> you can't teach an old whore new tricks
[13:40] <Goonigoogoo> when whores fly
[13:40] <Beerman> <Beerman> when whores fly
[13:40] <Goonigoogoo> well shit
[13:40] <Beerman> :P
[13:40] <Beerman> I think we've covered the good ones
[13:40] <Beerman> apart from "I wouldn't touch that whore with a 10' pole "
[13:41] <Beerman> maybe some other ones
[13:41] <Goonigoogoo> hmm
[13:41] <Goonigoogoo> maybe it should be 'I wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot whore'
[13:41] <Goonigoogoo> win the battle, lose the whore
[13:41] <Beerman> with my 10 foot pole
[13:41] <Beerman> hur hur hur
[13:42] <Goonigoogoo> heh
[13:42] <Goonigoogoo> the whorey goodness is spreading to dpad!
[13:42] <Beerman> huzzah!
[13:42] <Goonigoogoo> Yaaaaay!
[13:42] <Goonigoogoo> it's infectious!
[13:44] <Goonigoogoo> that's a real whore jerker of a story
[13:46] <Beerman> lol
[13:46] <Beerman> whore jerker
[13:46] <Goonigoogoo> rofl
[13:46] <Beerman> oy vey
[13:46] <Goonigoogoo> I wish that were a profession
[13:46] <Goonigoogoo> <texan drawl>Yup, Ah'm a whore jerker bah profession</texan drawl>
[13:46] <Beerman> eww
[13:47] <Beerman> apparently theres "fluffers" in the pr0n industry
[13:47] <Beerman> keep the guys all
[13:47] <Beerman> uh
[13:47] <Beerman> yeah
[13:47] <Beerman> interested
[13:47] <Goonigoogoo> *ahem*
[13:48] <Goonigoogoo> whore in sheep's clothing
[13:49] <Goonigoogoo> well. That's all 1914 sayings
[13:51] <Beerman> uh oh
[13:51] <Goonigoogoo> now what?
[13:52] <Goonigoogoo> bah. You're still wet behind the whores
[13:52] <Beerman> how many more thousands of sayings are there? :P
[13:52] <Goonigoogoo> one thousand, nine hundred and fourteen
[13:53] <Beerman> fan-tastic
[13:53] <Goonigoogoo> indeed