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193: Me so lazy
Me so lazy

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So long, and thanks for all the fish
Blargh. Hey cheesites. Sorry for the lack of updates this week, but all that time out from working caught up with me. Every single day this week I've been doing assignments one day before they're due. Healthy, innit? Luckily I have a close friend by the name of Mr Amphetamines. He really helps me when I'm down. And he mixes a mean martini. Anyway, I'm pretty much out of funny this week and need some hardcore sleep before I catch up on EVERYTHING this semester for exams. Sooo, I have two guest strips so far. Have you submitted your entry yet?. I'll need, uh, about 2 more I think. Don't wanna go over the 200 mark with a guest strip. Haha. yeah. Me need sleep now. More assignments to do. Vote, Forum, linkage
Bigger Than Cheeses

IRC log humour at #btc. (For IRC, we recommend mIRC)
[15:19] <Raekwon> if you vomit, turn over onto your stomach
[15:19] <Bacon_Baron> oh thanks rae
[15:20] <Bacon_Baron> I was planning on rolling around in my own vomit
[15:20] <Bacon_Baron> and then peeing my pants
Bigger Than Cheeses
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Bigger Than Cheeses Comics � Copyright 2001-2011 by Desmond Seah · Licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Comic PHP Engine developed by Alex Aberle of Sara and David · Please contact him for this site's technical support.
Website was designed by Threeboy of TrueNuff.