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213: Magnets are always funny....Right? RIGHT?
Magnets are always funny....Right? RIGHT?

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You see, it's funny because whenever I'm stuck for ideas, I'll just shove Alex in a comic and hope you laugh. And I'm trying to make it look like a smoky wasteland after that explosion in the last comic, and Duke is covered from the rocky blocks of the blown up mountains....but instead it just looks really stupid. Well, Christmas is almost upon us, and I've got absolutely nothing ready for you. I'm in the middle of the storyline, and even if I pulled another of these strips, I don't have a christmas joke ready anyway. Maybe I'll come up with something good by, uh, tomorrow. Shit. Ummmm....Check the forum for your btc Christmas* present. Note that Christmas is now defined as a very broad two week period, because I'm lazy. And because I have a life outside of updating the comic. Maybe I'll open up a random art section so you can all have a look at whatever doodles I come up with. I'll think about it. Meh, anyway, have a merry christmas and happy 2003. There was something vaguely important which I think I was supposed to tell you, but for the life of me I can't think of it. Aanyway, it's time for me to sleep. This comic took far longer than it should have. Remember to keep voting at Rocketbox and TWC. Here's your Bizarre Linkage. It's funny cause she was most likely teased traumatically as a child.
Bigger Than Cheeses

IRC log humour at #btc. (For IRC, we recommend mIRC)
[11:19] <skwerrel> man...that chick is a huge slut
[11:19] <skwerrel> i wish i could get set up with a girl like that...but less made out of pencil
[11:19] <Goonigoogoo> and less 2d
[11:19] <skwerrel> yeah, that too
[11:19] <Goonigoogoo> preferably in colour
[11:19] <skwerrel> that would be nice, not a requirement though
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