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461: The door was open, too
The door was open, too

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So long, and thanks for all the fish
Double Update
See the other strip
HELLOOOOOOOO NURSE. Okay, I'm back from hiatus and here's a double update to thank you for bearing with me. I was going to make it a triple update, but c'mon. That's just silly. Speaking of silly, how about a break with tradition and having you bizarre linkage first: THE LLAMA SONG. There ya go. Menjoy. This is actually nearing exam time for me, so I do believe cheesecake month is around the corner. Hooray! It'll probably be more like cheescake fortnight, since I've only got half the exams I normally do. We'll jump that hurdle when we come to week. Ahem. Back to comic related things, Keir sends forth this salvo on the war on gigantic robot asses. Regarding the whole causing miscarriages in sims, I put forth this theory in the pvp forums, and apparently you can't cause a miscarriage, short of killing your sim. But then some stories on google seem to say otherwise. Why not try out for yourself, you sickos. And hey, the forum is open again. So you can go back to filling it with stuff. Hooray! Anyway, I'm off to finish off all four assignments that are due within the same week. Double hooray!
Bigger Than Cheeses

IRC log humour at #btc. (For IRC, we recommend mIRC)
[12:18] <Drinsano> I want a really thin but healthy girlfriend, the kind where you get to wonder if you're risking breaking her pelvis during sex
[12:18] <Drinsano> the sad part is I need to hear the crack to put me over
Bigger Than Cheeses
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Comic PHP Engine developed by Alex Aberle of Sara and David · Please contact him for this site's technical support.
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