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524: Blasphemorama

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So long, and thanks for all the fish
I'm going to hell for this one. AND YOU'RE ALL COMING WITH ME! Alternate version for 'After' which I didn't go with: "Guard: Uh oh Jesus! Looks like you've had too much to drink again! I think someone needs a hug!" But then I couldn't put in the walkie talkie. Aaaaanyway, I've got a brand spanking new computer, which took me 8 hours yesterday to reinstall and recreate a disk image, because something in the install made the dhcp keep messing up, and another 10 hours today because the dvd drive keeps spinning my el cheapo disks so fast they overheat and lose data integrity. I'm not kidding. Anyway, vote at buzz, act like immature boys in the forum, and lollerate at the bizarre linkage: The Childhood Goat Trauma Foundation!
Bigger Than Cheeses

IRC log humour at #btc. (For IRC, we recommend mIRC)
[10:48] <J-Dawg> How am I a horrible person?
[10:48] <J-Dawg> What the fuck did I do to you, bitch?
Bigger Than Cheeses
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Comic PHP Engine developed by Alex Aberle of Sara and David · Please contact him for this site's technical support.
Website was designed by Threeboy of TrueNuff.