Today's comic features a cameo from Deon, aka Hipnotoad as he is known in the
3 finger salue forums. He's a rather bitter creature, but we all pretend to love him, so he doesn't hunt us down one by one and rip out our still beating hearts. But he's a pretty funny, cool guy once you get past the inital sarcasm and hatred. You can also talk to him occasionally at #3fs on, using mIRC or a similar IRC client. The Deon art is courtesy of Keir from
High Ping Bastard. By "courtesy", I mean copy/paste as Keir is currently residing in the land of the dead. More commonly known as 'staying with relatives with no access to the internet' and I can't ask him. Anyway, that should be enough of an update rant.....Oh, and for those not in the know, UT is Unreal Tournament.