This comic is inspired by my dual love of Phoenix Wright, and
Katie's take on
Phoenix Wright, which are without a doubt the best things ever. Katie, make more Phoenix Wright comics. Actually, make more comics period, damnit.
Awkward Zombie has to be the best gaming webcomic I've read in a long long time, although that's not fair considering the competition.
Awkward Zombie has to be the best
webcomic I've read in a long long time. In case you don't get the hint, I'm telling you to
read Awkward Zombie, damnit. Last panel was originally going to be another one of
these, but Edgeworth's smug grin
had to be there. Because when you're playing through an especially hard court case and finally find the required bit of evidence to advance onto the next section only to see Edgeworth do that
goddamn grin of his your blood pressure just jumps because you know you're not even past the halfway mark yet. Bizarre linkage:
Stuff White People Like. Silly round eyes!