Quad Update!
See the first strip
See the second strip
See the third strip
ROBOCOP! Who is he? What is he? Where does he come from? The NEAR FUTURE. DUH. Weren't you reading the scrolly text at the beginning of the movie? DOYYY. So anyway, there was totally a fifth strip which I didn't have time to do, seeing as I also didn't have time to colour these babies. But to make up for that you get much higher quality Robocops than if I'd coloured them, so cram that up your whine pipe and smoke it. Anyway, I'll get around to it at some point. Someone bought a shirt this week JUUUUST as I was typing this newspost, so I only stabbed two dogs this week. But that could have been an even smaller number if you'd have bought a shirt. Murderer. For Bizarre linkage, keeping with the Robocop theme, how about some fried chicken? What's that? Robocop can only digest baby food you say? WELL APPARENTLY NOT ANYMORE. NOW he can speak Korean, and copyright infringe Back to the Future 3 while he's at it.